On March 17, 2009 our team organized a meeting with those kids that we support for their education since 2007. A day before, kids were given a paper each to write down their dreams and draw a picture of their face to be shown to their japanese sponsors. Many want to be either doctors, engineers or mechanics . we shared some drinks and donated notebboks, pens and pencils we brought from japan. Most of them are working hard and having good results at school.
(Le 17 mars 2009, notre equipe a organise
une rencontre avec les enfants dont nous sponsorisons l'education a kinshasa depuis 2007. La veille, un papier a ete remis a chacun pour y ecrire son reve et dessiner sa face; cela pour etre montre a leurs sponsors japonais. Certains veulent devenir medecins, ingenieurs ou mecaniciens. nous leur avons donne des cahiers, stylos et crayons.Presque tous travaillent tres bien a l'ecole).